Cloud Document Management Software

Cloud Document Management Software


  • Cloud based, high speed access from any browser device
  • Quickly streamlines document processes and reduces errors
  • Reduce business risk associated with lost files
  • Flexible and affordable

Workflow Stream


Documents are aligned with your business processes streamlining approvals and getting more done in less time.


Be on top of your critical business documents. Keep records of all transactions and have auditors in and out far faster. Never pay to submit an invoice with AccuImage.

Dollars & Sense

Capture prompt payment discounts and avoid costly late fees on payments

View White Paper – Workflow Stream Savings


Xpress Upload

Generate Documents

Easily create digital documents. You no longer need to fill out and process paper copies of forms

OCR Processing

Automatically read data from paper documents to populate index fields.

System Integration

Seamlessly integrates with your DejaVIEW and the Stream for automatic routing and archiving
of documents.

View White Paper – aiXpress

eDejaView Archive

Your Documents’ Headquarters Search

Look up documents by any combination of data values. Get to your documents faster and more effectively.

Secure and Light

Documents are compressed and stored in an encrypted location that can only be accessed by authorized users

Web Access

Documents in your gateway are accessible from any web enabled device


Integrate with your existing systems for less

Enterprise Interface

Interface DejaView with your existing applications and systems like Oracle, SAP and Netsuite

Seamless Integration

Integrate without disrupting your business processes


Don’t replace your existing ECM systems, enhance them with DV Connect and add functionality to existing ECM systems for less